CAB-2 User Cabin Panel II Trainer Educational Equipment Electrical Training Panel
Movable desk-type equipment with wide synoptic panel representing the parts of a medium voltage cabin. It uses professional components to reproduce the operating conditions and the rules for ensuring protection and safety in compliance with the standards in force applicable to the system typology. TRAINING PROGRAM: This equipment including SEPAM S20 relay enables to define atypical electrical installation of a cabin owned by the customerconnected with the Medium Voltage network. The topics thatcan be dealt with are: • Connection of TA and programming of the parameters forfunction 50 / 51 (maximum current) • Connection of TA and programming of the parameters forfunction 50N / 51N (maximum earth current) • Connection of toroidal TA and TV 67N (maximum earthcurrent); cable lines with shield connected with cabinearthing system are also considered • Programming of the parameters for current inverse timeprotection • Configuring the outputs of general protection for the controlof general device • Configuring the inputs of general protection for the logiccontrol of general device • Pilot wire logic selectivity with other series-connecteddevices • Measurements of currents • Earthing system of user cabin, global earthing systemcombined with other earthing systems interconnected viathe shields of MV cables. The list of the topics is only indicative in consideration ofthe wide versatility of the used protection relay and of thepossibility of realizing numberless connection diagrams. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: This unit is made of chemically treated sheet steel, painted withseveral coats of epoxy paint. Its base is provided with rubberfeet so that it can be positioned on any working top. Synoptic panels are made of aluminium alloy and they havebeen silk-screen printed with the international symbols; theyshow the necessary devices and connections for enabling standard configurations and/or any other configuration forexperimental aims. The connections on the fore panel (in three-phase voltage of380-400 Vac) are carried out via terminals and leads/jumperswith safety plugs Ø 4 mm. The connections on the rear panel (in extra low safety voltageof 24 Vdc) are carried out via terminals and leads with safetyplugs Ø 2 mm. Main components installed: • Simulator of cabin earth resistance with value selectablebetween 0.3 and 1 Ω. • General device reproduced with a 3-pole contactor In = 25 A • Earthing switch reproduced by a rotary switch In = 32 A • PLC-controlled logic of interlocks and LED synoptic panelthat displays the availability of medium voltage in variouspoints of the circuit, the state of general device, the state ofline breaker, the state of earthing switch • Pushbuttons of manual start/stop control of general device • Modular PLC with display, 12 inputs of 24 Vdc / 8 outputs of 24 Vdc • Regulated power supply of 24 Vdc 1.2 A • 3 current step-down transformers 5 / 1 A • Toroidal current transformer for detecting homopolar earthcurrent • SEPAM relay series 20 (model S20) provided with advanceddialogue interface with graphic LCD and keys for displayingmeasures (only currents) and parametrizations • Extension module of 10 inputs / 4 outputs applied to relay Power supply: 230 Vac 50 Hz single-phase - 50 VA (Other voltage and frequency on request) Dimensions of operational panels: 800 x 600 mm Dimensions of the framework: 880 x 450 x 680 mm Weight: 25 kg Supply with THEORETICAL – EXPERIMENTAL HANDBOOK