RPC-1 Reactive Power Compensation Trainer Didactic Equipment Electrical Lab Equipment
The Trainer has been developed for the theoretical-practical study of the different components, circuits and measurements of RPC techniques. All the proposed components are real and totally operational. Instruments and electronic boards are of the most advanced available technology. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: The Trainer consists of the following sub-units (for the completedetails, pls see the specifi c brochure): 1- PANEL FOR THE AUTO/MAN PFC mod.C-PF • 1 automatic microprocessor-controlled power factorregulator, rated voltage 380-415 V 50-60 Hz; amps input: upto 5 A; settable PF0.8 ind…0.8 cap, reconnection time 5…240s; 5 relay outputs with contacts 5 A - 250 VAC; manual settingof parameters bydisplay-assisted keyboard • 2 multifunctional instruments, auxiliary power supply 115-230V, measurement of voltages, currents, active-reactiveapparent powers and power factor in single-phase and threephase systems; range: 5 A - 850 V max. Both instrumentshave free terminals for arbitrary connection. • 4-pole rotary switch, 16 A - 400 V • 1 set of 3 fuse-holders with gG type fuses 10.3 x 38 of 6 A • 1 pair of fuse-holders with gG type fuses 10.3 x 38 of 2 A • 1 fuse-holder with gG type fuse 10.3 x 38 of 4 A • 1 noise suppressor for 3-phase line with neutral - Un 440 V,In 10 A • 3 three-pole contactors for PFC Ith (AC1) 25 A (7.5 kvar at400 V) with transient limiting devices, insertion, excitation 24VAC 50-60 Hz • 1 single-phase control transformer: P= 230-400, S= 24 V;72 VA • 1 3-phase capacitor battery 450 V with selector 2 and 4 µFand discharge resistors 100 Ω - 5 W • 1 3-phase capacitor battery 450 V with selector 4 and 8 µFand discharge resistors 50 Ω - 10 W • 1 3-phase capacitor battery 450 V with selector 4.8 and 16 µFand discharge resistors 50 Ω - 10 W • All capacitor banks can be connected in single-phase or3-phase star-delta confi guration. They enable the automaticPFC systems up to 3 equal steps (4 + 4 + 4 µF), up to 3 doublesteps 2, 4, 8 µF, or of 4, 8, 16 µF; further combinations arepossible from the parallel connection of the various banks. 2- RESISTIVE-INDUCTIVE LOAD mod.RL-2K • suitable for single-phase 230 V and for 3-phase 400 V (starconnection), and 230 V (delta connection). Max. Apparentpower: 2100 VA • Resistive section: single-phase/three-phase active power,1500 W, that can be divided into 5 equal steps. Each stepconsists of 3 resistances of 530 Ω - 220 VDC/230 Vac. Fuse protection against overloads and missing connections. Six terminals with 4 mm safety plugs enable single-phaseconnection (parallel connection of the 3 phases) and threephase star/delta connection. One 3-phase rotary switch forindependent variation of R section. • Inductive section: single-phase/three-phase reactivepower, 1500 Var, that can be divided into 5 equal steps. Eachstep consists of 3 impedances of 0.43 A - 230 V - 50 Hz. Fuse protection against overloads and missing connections. Six terminals with 4 mm safety plugs enable single-phaseconnection (parallel connectionof the 3 phases) and threephase star/delta connection. One 3-phase rotary switch forindependent variation of L section. 3- SET OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES mod.P-4 + P-3 +BP (v. cat. 23 - Electrical Engineering) • the set includes a 3-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motorand a 3-phase alternator/synchronous motor. Both machinesare mechanically coupled and mounted on a robust steelbase. • the 3-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motor: 1000 W;230/400 V 50 Hz; 2900 rpm / 2 poles; delta-star connection;frame IM B3; protection: IP 44. Includes a thermal protector. Top terminal box, all connections via 4 mm safety connectors. • the 3-phase alternator / synchronous motor: 1000 VA;230/400 V 50 Hz; synchronous speed 3000 rpm / 2 poles;excitation voltage: 220 VDC. Also runs as synchronous motor with induction starting. Delta-star connection. Frame: IM B3;protection: IP 22. Includes a thermal protector. Top terminalbox, all connections via 4 mm safety connectors. • the machines base: for easy and quick coupling of themachines. Provided with safety covers that can be appliedover the coupling joints to prevent access to moving parts. 4- VARIABLE VOLTAGES POWER SUPPLY mod. AMT-3(v. cat. 23 - Electrical Engineering) • Totally contained in a steel box; silk-screen-printed frontpanel of aluminium alloy and handles for transport. • 3-phase voltage regulator of 5 A, AC/DC selector • 3-phase variable line of 0-430 V - 5 A (single-phase, 0-250V), protected by magneto-thermal circuit breaker, digital3-digit voltmeter with voltmeter switch for phase-phase andphase-neutral connection, 4 mm safety terminals. • Variable line of 0-500 Vdc - 6 A (three-phase voltagerectifi ed by 6-diode bridge) ripple 4.2%; line protected bymagneto-thermal circuit breakers, digital 3-digit voltmeter,safety terminals. Supply with THEORETICAL – EXPERIMENTAL HANDBOOK