AFF131 Multi Purpose Teaching Flume Didactic Equipment Teaching Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment
a small self-contained open channel with inlet and discharge tanks, which is support on rigid pedestals. A jacking arrangement permits the slope of the channel bed to be adjusted between -1 and 3%. A moulded GRP service unit contained a submersible pump which supplies water to the inlet tank via the flowmeter and control valve, a stiling bed and profiled inlet ensures even flow through the working section.

Several types of weir, flow measure devices and hydraulic structures associated with open channel flow are included. A range of optional models are available that extend the capabilities. typical subjects which can be studied are super and sub-critical velocity How, hydraulic jump, flow under ; a sluice gate, syphon spillways, water waves.
2.5 or 5m long versions are available with a working section of 76 x 250mm ‘
An instruction booklet describing how to perform the flow measurements | and to interpret the results, as well as how to install, commission and maintain the equipment, is included.

Acrylic channel: 2.5 or 5m L x 75mmW * 250mm H
Service module: made from glass reinforced plastic (GRP)
Sump tank capacity: 250 litres