LM-1 Linear Motor Trainer Educational Equipment Electronic Drives For AC/DC Motors
The Linear Motor Trainer mod LM-1 has been developed for teaching this special kind of electrical machines, that are becoming very important in automation systems. TRAINING PROGRAM: • The mechanical concept and their significance: theclassical concepts for rotational motors: torque, RPM,angular speed and angular positioning against their dualconcepts for the LM: force, linear speed, linear accelerationand linear positioning. The relative formulas that link theseparameters among them. • Types of LM: operational principles and technicalcomparison among them regarding specific applications. • Constructional blocks of a LM system: power and controlsignals fl ow. • Parameters to define a LM: mechanical and electricalparameters according to the specific application. • The LM electronic drive: the complete system description:motor- drive- sensors- data logger. • LM system connection and start up. • The LM performance and measurements: measurementsof the combined mechanical parameters (acceleration, speed,force and positioning) against the electrical parameters (voltages, currents, power) with and without payload. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: The system includes two units (the Motor and the Controller),plus the accessories: 1- THE MOTOR • Permanent magnet synchronous LM, including: the magneticrod (dia. 25 mm). with 2 rod supports and sliding base for theforcer. Total rod lenght: 740 mm approx. Forcer free travel:510 mm approx.. • Max stall force: 42 N approx @ 1.95 A (phases seriesconnection). • Force constant Kf: 22 / 11 N/A (series / parallel phasesconnections). • Protection grade IP67. LOS • Position feedback sensor, integrated with the forcer. Differential sinus/cosinus analog output type. It is theposition feedback for the controller. • External position sensor: mounted on the rod support,. It isthe input for the supplied software. 2- THE CONTROLLER PANEL • “Table-top” unit, completely contained in a robust metal boxwith long antitilting legs. • LSM complete digital controller, microprocessor base, with 3nested control loops: position, speed and current / torque. • With 2 potentiometers, one for setting the forcer position,the second for setting the speed. • Two signaling LEDs. • Four fi gures display, that works with a 3-positions rotativeselector to show position, speed, and current. • Front keyboard, with 3 programming keys and display tovisualize the parameters and the controller programming. • All power terminals in 4 mm ø. Signal terminals in 2 mm ø. • Possibility to connect an external function generator forcontinuous cycling. 3- ACCESSORIES TO BE SUPPLIED • Set of connection cables with 4 mm safety connectors. Setof 2 mm cables. • Function generator used as variable position generator. Output signals: sinusoidal, triangular, square, 0-10 Vpp. Feedby the Controller Panel. • Data logger to process the signal coming from the distancesensor. With USB output to PC. • Set of weights as motor payloads (2 x 1 kg + 1 x 2 kg) withstainless steel container. Therefore, 1-2-3-4 kg loads areavailable. • Software: the unit is supplied with a specifi c software(Windows environment), that processes the data sent bythe external distance sensor. It allows to calculate andgraphically show the mechanical parameters (distance,speed, acceleration, force and power) under different loads. Power supply: 230 Vac 50/60 Hz single-phase (Other voltage and frequency on request) Supply with THEORETICAL – EXPERIMENTAL HANDBOOK